Born to Run

How to be powerful beyond measure

Power is not about reigning over everyone. It is not about dictating, controlling, or manipulating everyone.

Power is not external. It is internal.

By definition, power is “the ability to do something or act in a particular way” and when we get lost in the world, in emotion, in anger, in loss, in suffering, in pain - we may lose our power and our ability to choose our actions and destinations.

We may build barriers, feel sorry for ourselves, get frustrated from defeat.

But we can flip the script.

We can get our power back because everything happens for a reason, and we…

We are born to run.

Here’s a story:

Here are all the events in my life that I would categorize as “power-stoppers”:

  • My mom died of cancer when I was 8 years old

  • I contracted endocarditis and was paralyzed with brain seizures when I was 14 years old

  • I fell into a deep depression on the 10 year anniversary of my mom’s death

  • I started to self-harm during my depression and tried to kill myself one month after graduating high school

  • I turned my life upside down by ending a 5 year relationship with my fiancé after I found out she was cheating on me

  • One week after I ended that relationship, Covid hit, and I gained 60 lbs from being alone and lonely over the next year.

  • My stepdad and best friend died a couple years ago from a fentanyl overdose

All of these things hit me hard and gave my power a run for its money. I put up barriers to family and friends, I felt sorry for myself more times than I can count, I got frustrated from defeat over and over and over again. I’ve quit, I’ve given up, I’ve got angry, I’ve lashed out, I’ve isolated, I’ve hid - all in response to these power-stoppers.

But, I was born to run.

Here is what I’m able to do now because of my power-stoppers:

  • Relate to almost anyone and what they’re feeling because I’ve got a strong foundation of empathy

  • Confront adversity head-on because I’ve been to hell and back, allowing me to set my bars high

  • Control my emotions because I’ve experienced the worst of them so many times that I know they’re only temporary

  • Have so much confidence in myself that I never look back at doubt or fear because what other people think doesn’t come close to things I’ve been through

And some examples of my resulting accomplishments:

  • Became a firefighter/EMT

  • Became a board-certified toxicologist

  • Started several successful businesses

  • Published two books

  • Bought a house

  • Became sober

My power has been lost and found more times than I can count, and if I lose it again because another power-stopper decides to knock on my door then that’s a-okay with me because it’ll just feed the fire.

The Takeaway:

When we struggle, it is because we are in the midst of dealing with a power-stopper and power-stoppers only come to those who are born to run.

Here’s how to ground yourself and recognize your power-stopper is actually a power-maker:

  1. Experience experience experience. When we face obstacles in life, it can be easy to forget that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And that light is experience, and that experience breeds confidence, and that confidence breeds power.

  2. Strength in numbers. If there is something that is as equally empowering as a power-stopper, it is another person going through that same power-stopper. When you’re going through a difficult time, find others going through a similar difficult time and then use each other to get through it and power up.

  3. No one can touch you. Yes, you, reading this, right now. You’ve been through the throws of life more than most people have so why are you giving weight to fear and doubt when they can’t hold a candle to your audacity? You’ve been to hell and back, and not everyone can make that trip because they don’t have your power.

So remember, when you are struggling it is not because you are weak or unworthy or incapable.

It is actually because you are powerful beyond measure.

There are people out there who haven’t been through the struggles you have and they won’t see near as much success as you because they don’t have the experiences to measure up.

They were not born to run.

You were.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Dr. Seuss

Check out THE WILD:

A place where women help each other become the women they needed as a girl

If you are looking for an instant tribe of women who support and help each other power up, consider joining The Wild.

The Wild is a community of abundant resources and opportunity to help you believe in yourself. When you enter The Wild, you’ll get access to

  • a private chat community with the most incredible people

  • numerous personal + professional resources and growing

  • biweekly Tribe Nights that offer live support, coaching and accountability

  • swag (obviously), in-person retreats, and 1:1’s with yours truly

  • and more!

If you’re struggling, facing difficult times, or need some help, join us in The Wild today.

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